September 25, 2007

Miley Cyrus pregnant!!!!!

well their is a rumor of miley cyrus being pregnant so just read the article from j-14 mag!

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Anonymous said...

Hahhahahahahahahaha. NO!
I am sooo not pregnant! They just put that in the magazine to make money! =]. I didn't even say all that stuff! My daddy is sueing them! =]

Anonymous said...

hi!!! are u really miely.c!!!
cool did u no your pregnant!!!
whos the daddy!!!
tell me , tell me, tell me!!!

Inject you with Fashion. said...

hey are u really Miely or are u some wierd person any i hope u have won ur case and if it were true then u would be a reallyyyyyyyy kewl mommmmmmmm !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

i argee they put in fake stuff i hope your case to

Anonymous said...

Miley Cyrus Is A Slut!
No Wonder She's Preganant!
Even If She Denies It She Will Be Pregnant In The Next Couple Of Years!
That's Not Even Really Her That Wrote That Comment!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I Hate Miley you can suck it! You don't even know her! So what give you you the right to say that about her. I don't like her but saying shes a slut is just wrong. And how do we know that your not a slut. Your just saying that to feel better about yourself. SO WHAT if she put HALF nude pics on the net. SHE WAS JUST BEING TEENAGER!! If you were a teenager (Which you probably are alittle short of.) and you were high on sugar, would you just sit there and bounce up and down. OR would you invite some friends over and have fun. People do that all the time and because she acts, sings, and is on T.V that if she does something wrong, that its suddenly a federal offence! Screw you! Don't be jelous because shes famous and your not. Just get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

i agree with you the person who said that to i hate miley i mean how can you say you hate someone who you dont even know im not really a fan of her but that was just mean you shouldnt say that stuff haven't you ever heard the saying "if you dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all" ????

Anonymous said...

me again i agree with everything you said i like you, you seem cool (the person who said that stuff to "i hate miley")

Anonymous said...

me again again again i hate it when they make such a big deal when a star does something wrong cause i mean normal people do that ALL the time

Anonymous said...

hi... i love miley cyrus she is the best

Anonymous said...

i highly doubt this is mileyy plus how can yall look up to her really?i mean the pictures and soo on do you not learn?your setting a bad example..dont you know your ahh damn star and yur buisness is around the whole world the things you do is gunna effect your whole life and you made the wrong decission!

Anonymous said...

lmfao...u guys just made my day :D thanks for bein so obsessed :)